Friday, April 9, 2010

So, I've taken your time, now I'm asking for your money!

Well, not outright at least. Here's what I'm hoping to accomplish:

1) Help support Le Bonheur, a children's hospital here in Memphis, TN. They provide such important services to families from around our nation. What's the point of hoping for a better future if we aren't taking care of the ones it's going to be in the hands of?

2) Help support Breast cancer awareness and research! Breast cancer is still one of the major killers of women around the globe! This is a serious issue that I wish wasn't confined to a single "awareness" month. Bewbies-Enough said!

Go to my donations page and read up, there's also a button like the one below to donate. Even just a dollar will put a fifty cent donation in both hats.

Thank you,
Jacob Dunn

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